Monel 400 Pipe Monel 400 Tubing ASTM B163 N04400


Monel 400 Pipe Monel 400 Tubing

ASME SB 163 SB 165 ASTM B163 B165 N04400 Monel 400 Tubing Alloy 400 Pipe

Monel 400 Pipe N04400 Alloy is a Nickel-Copper alloy that is resistant to seawater and steam at high temperatur as well as to salt and caustic solutions. Monel 400 is a solid solution alloy that can only be hardened by cold working. Alloy 400 exhibits characteristics like good corrosion resistance, good weldability and high strength. A low corrosion rate in rapidly flowing brackish or seawater combined with excellent resistance to stress-corrosion cracking in most freshwater, and its resistance to variety of corrosive condition led to its wide use in marine application and other non-oxidizing chloride solutions.

ASME SB 163 SB 165 ASTM B163 B165 N04400 Monel 400 Alloy 2.4360 Alloy is particularly resistant to hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid when they are de-aerated. As would be expected from its high copper content, Monel 400 is rapidly attacked by nitric acid and ammonia systems. Monel 400 has great mechanical properties at subzero temperatures, can be used in temperatures up to 1000 °F, and its melting point is 2370-2460 °F. However, Monel 400 is low in strength in the annealed condition so, a variety of tempers may be used to increase the strength.

Monel Alloy 400 Characteristic

  • Corrosion resistance in an extensive range of marine and chemical environments. From pure water to nonoxidizing mineral acids, salts and alkalis.
  • This alloy is more resistant to nickel under reducing conditions and more resistant than copper under oxidizing conditions, it does show however better resistance to reducing media than oxidizing.
  • Good mechanical properties from subzero temperatures up to about 480°C.
  • Good resistance to sulfuric and hydrofluoric acid. Aeration however will result in increased corrosion rates. May be used to handle hydrochloric acid, but the presence of oxidizing salts will greatly accelerate corrosive attack.
  • Resistance to neutral, alkaline and acid salts is shown, but poor resistance is found with oxidizing acid salts such as ferric chloride.
  • Excellent resistance to chloride ion stress corrosion cracking.

Monel 400 Tubing Chemical Composition

ASME SB 163 SB 165 ASTM B163 B165 N04400 Alloy 400 Chemical Composition, %

0.3 max2.0 max0.024 max0.50 max63.0 min28.0-34.02.5 max

DIN 17743 17750 17751 17752 17753 2.4360 Chemical Composition, %

0.15 max2.0 max0.02 max0.5 max63.0 min28.0-34.01.00-2.50.50 max0.3 max

DIN 17751 2002 2.4360 NiCu30Fe Monel 400 Mechanical Properties

Material Grade Tensile Strength
Yield Strength
Yield Strength
Rp 1.0%
Brinell Hardness
HBW 2.5/62.5
Brinell Hardness
HBW 2.5/62.5
Monel 400 2.4360Annealed45018021035140
Monel 400 2.4360Half Hard55030025170
Monel 400 2.4360Hard7006502210

ASME SB 163 SB 165 ASTM B163 B165 N04400 Monel 400 Mechanical Properties

Material Grade Tensile Strength
ksi (MPa)
Yield Strength
ksi (MPa)
Rockwell Hardness
for annealed ends
Monel 400Annealed70 (483)28 (193)35 
Monel 400Stress Relieved85 (586)55 (379)15B 75

Monel 400 Alloy Standard Specification

Pipe SeamlessPipe WeldedTube SeamlessTube WeldedSheet/PlateBarForgingFittingWire
B165B725B163 B127B164B564B366 
ASTM B127Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
ASTM B163Standard Specifications for seamless nickel and nickel alloy condensers and heat-exchanger tubes
ASTM B164Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy Rods, Bars,and Wires
ASTM B165Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400)* Seamless Pipe and Tube
ASTM B366Standard Specification for Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Fittings
ASTM B564Standard Specification for Nickel Alloy Forging
ASTM B704Standard Specification for Welded Alloy Tubes
ASTM B705Standard Specification for Nickel-Alloy Welded Pipe
ASTM B725Standard Specification for Welded Nickel and Nickel Cooper Alloy Pipe
DIN 17743 (2002/09)Wrought nickel alloys with copper – Chemical Composition
DIN 17750 (2002/09)ribbons and sheet metal out of nickel with nickel-wrought alloy properties
DIN 17751 (2002/09)tubes out of nickel with nickel-wrought alloy properties
DIN 17752 (2002/09)rod made from nickel with nickel-wrought alloy properties
DIN 17753 (2002/09)wire out of nickel with nickel-wrought alloy properties
VdTÜV / Werkstoffblatt 432/1extremely corrosion resistant nickel based alloy, niCr21Mo, material-nr. 2.4858 ribbon, sheet metal
VdTÜV / Werkstoffblatt 432/2432/2 extremely corrosion resistant nickel based alloy, NiCr 21 Mo, material-nr. 2.4858 seamless pipe
VdTÜV / Werkstoffblatt 432/3extremely corrosion resistant nickel based alloy, NiCr 21 Mo, material-nr. 2.3858 rod steel, forging

Alloy 400 Monel 400
Standard: DIN 17743
Equal to: Monel Alloy 400 Tubes, 2.4360 NiCu30Fe, Nicorros
Anticorrosion environment: Sea water, hydrofluoric acidsulfuric acid and non-oxidized diluted acid, alkali and lye. Apply to salt industry, sea water desalinization factory, nuclear fuel processing

Material No.DIN 17743 17750 17751 17752 17753 2.4360 NiCu30Fe
EN symbol (short)NiCu30Fe
BSBS3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 NA13
alloyAlloy 400
Registered work’s labelMonel Alloy 400, Nicorros®
StandardsVdTÜV 263 DIN 17743 17750 17751 17752 17753

Monel 400 Tubing Tubes Application

ASME SB 163 SB 165 ASTM B163 B165 N04400 Monel 400 Alloy is widely used in many fields, especially marine and chemical processing. Typical applications are valves and pumps, pump and propeller shafts, marine fixtures and fasteners, electrical and electronic components, springs, chemical processing equipment, gasoline and fresh water tanks, crude petroleum stills, process vessels and piping, boiler feed water heaters and other heat exchangers, and deaerating heaters.

  • Feed water and steam generator tubing.
  • Brine heaters, sea water scrubbers in tanker inert gas systems.
  • Sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid alkylation plants.
  • Pickling bat heating coils.
  • Heat exchanger in a variety of industries.
  • Transfer piping from oil refinery crude columns.
  • Plant for the refining of uranium and isotope separation in the production of nuclear fuel.
  • Pumps and valves used in the manufacture of perchlorethylene, chlorinated plastics.
  • Monoethanolamine (MEA) reboiling tube.
  • Cladding for the upper areas of oil refinery crude columns.
  • Propeller and pump shafts.

Monel 400 Alloy Density and Physical Properties

Density (kg/dm³.)8.80
Specific Heat (Btu/lb/°F – [32-212 °F])0.105
Electrical Resistivity (microhm-cm (at 68 ° F)307
Melting Point (°F)2425
Poissons Ratio0.32
Thermal Conductivity167
Mean Coeff Thermal Expansion7.7
Modulus of Elasticity Tension26

Monel 400 Alloy Corrosion Resistance

Monel 400 is virtually immune to chloride ion stress corrosion cracking in typical environments. Generally, its corrosion resistance is very good in reducing environments, but poor in oxidizing conditions. It is not useful in oxidizing acids, such as nitric acid and nitrous. Nevertheless, it is resistant to most alkalis, salts, waters, food products, organic substances and atmospheric conditions at normal and elevated temperatures.

This nickel alloy is attacked in sulfur-bearing gases above approximately 700 °F and molten sulfur attacks the alloy at temperatures over approximately 500 °F.

Monel 400 offers about the same corrosion resistance as nickel but with higher maximum working pressure and temperatures and at a lower cost due to its superior ability to be machined.

Alloy 400 Tubing Machinability

Conventional machining techniques used for iron based alloys may be used. This alloy does work-harden during machining and has higher strength and “gumminess” not typical of steels. Heavy duty machining equipment and tooling should be used to minimize chatter or work-hardening of the alloy ahead of the cutting. Most any commercial coolant may be used in the machining operations. Water-base coolants are preferred for high speed operations such as turning, grinding, or milling. Heavy lubricants work best for drilling, tapping, broaching or boring.

Turning: Carbide tools are recommended for turning with a continuous cut. High-speed steel tooling should be used for interrupted cuts and for smooth finishing to close tolerance. Tools should have a positive rake angle.

Cutting speeds and feeds are in the following ranges: For High-Speed Steel Tools For Carbide Tooling Depth Surface Feed Depth Surface Feed of cut speed in inches of cut speed in inches inches feet/min. per rev. inches feet/min. per rev. 0.250″ 60-70 0.030 0.250″ 250-300 0.020 0.050″ 90-100 0.010 0.050″ 300-350 0.008

Drilling: Steady feed rates must be used to avoid work hardening due to dwelling of the drill on the metal. Rigid set-ups are essential with as short a stub drill as feasible. Conventional high-speed steel drills work well. Feeds vary from 0.0007 inch per rev. for holes of less than 1/16″ diameter, 0.003 inch per rev. for 1/4″ dia., to 0.010 inch per rev. for holes of 7/8″diameter. Surface speeds of 45-55 feet/minute, are best for drilling.

Milling: To obtain good accuracy and a smooth finish it is essential to have rigid machines and fixtures and sharp cutting tools. High-speed steel cutters such as M-2 or M-10 work best with cutting speeds of 60 to 80 feet per minute and feed of 0.005″-0.008″ per cutting tooth. Grinding: The alloy should be wet ground and aluminum oxide wheels or belts are preferred.

Monel Alloy 400 Forming

Monel 400 alloy has good ductility and may be readily formed by all conventional methods. Because the alloy is stronger than regular steel it requires more powerful equipment to accomplish forming. Heavy-duty lubricants should be used during cold forming. It is essential to thoroughly clean the part of all traces of lubricant after forming as embrittlement of the alloy may occur at high temperatures if lubricant is left on.

Monel Alloy 400 Welding

The commonly used welding methods work well with this alloy. Matching alloy filler metal should be used. If matching alloy is not available then the nearest alloy richer in the essential chemistry (Ni, Co, Cr, Mo) should be used. All weld beads should be slightly convex. It is not necessary to use preheating. Surfaces to be welded must be clean and free from oil, paint or crayon marking. The cleaned area should extend at least 2″ beyond either side of a welded joint.

Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding: DC straight polarity (electrode negative) is recommended. Keep as short an arc length as possible and use care to keep the hot end of filler metal always within the protective atmosphere.

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding: Electrodes should be kept in dry storage and if moisture has been picked up the electrodes should be baked at 600 F for one hour to insure dryness. Current settings vary from 50 amps for material 0.062″ thick up to 190 amps for material of 1/2″ and thicker. It is best to weave the electrode slightly as this alloy weld metal does not tend to spread. Cleaning of slag is done with a wire brush (hand or powered). Complete removal of all slag is very important before successive weld passes and also after final welding.

Gas Metal-Arc Welding: Reverse-polarity DC should be used and best results are obtained with the welding gun at 90 degrees to the joint. For Short-Circuiting-Transfer GMAW a typical voltage is 19-25 with a current of 100-175 amps and a wire feed of 225-400 inches per minute. For Spray-Transfer GMAW voltage of 26 to 33 and current in the range of 200-350 amps with wire feed rate of 200-500 inches per minute, depending on filler wire diameter.

Submerged-Arc Welding: Matching filler metal, the same as for GMAW, should be used. DC current with either reverse or straight polarity may be used. Convex weld beads are preferred.

Fabrication with ASME SB 163 SB 165 ASTM B163 B165 N04400 Monel 400 Pipe

Monel 400 can easily be welded by gas-tungsten arc, gas metal arc or shielded metal arc processes using appropriate filler metals. There is no need for post weld heat treatment, however, thorough cleaning after welding is critical for optimum corrosion resistance, otherwise there is the risk of contamination and embrittlement.

Finished fabrications can be produced to a wide range of mechanical properties when proper control of the amount of hot or cold working and the selection of appropriate thermal treatments is done.

Like most other nickel alloys, Monel 400 is typically tough to machine and will work harden. However, excellent results can e obtained if you make the correct choices for tooling and machining.

Monel 400 Pipe Cold Working

Cold forming may be done using standard tooling although plain carbon tool steels are not recommended for forming as they tend to produce galling. Soft die materials (bronze, zinc alloys, etc.) minimize galling and produce good finishes, but die life is somewhat short. For long production runs the alloy tool steels ( D-2, D-3) and high-speed steels (T-1, M-2, M-10) give good results especially if hard chromium plated to reduce galling. Tooling should be such as to allow for liberal clearances and radii. Heavy duty lubricants should be used to minimize galling in all forming operations. Bending of sheet or plate through 180 degrees is generally limited to a bend radius of 1 T for material up to 1/8″ thick and 2 T for material thicker than 1/8″.

Monel 400 tubing Annealing

Annealing may be done at 1700 °F. A stress-relief anneal may be done at 1050 °F for 1 to 2 hours, followed by slow cooling.

Monel 400 Pipe Monel 400 Tubing
Monel 400 Pipe Monel 400 Tubing
Monel 400 Pipe Monel 400 Tubing

Monel 400 Tube Export Countries

 Saudi Arabia
  South Africa
  Equatorial Guinea
  The Republic Of Congo

  USA / United States
  Costa Rica
  Puerto Rica
  Trinidad And Tobago
  Czech Republic
  South Korea
  Sri Lanka
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