Zhejiang Guanyu Stainless Steel Tube Co., Ltd  
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World Standard Full Name

Full Name
AA Aluminum Association / Aluminum Atandards & Data
AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association / AAMA Std & Manual :
AAR Association of American Railroad
AASHTO American Asssociation of Atate Highway and Transpotation Officials
AATCC American Asssociation for Textile Chemists and Colorists / AATCC Technial Manual
ABNT Associacao Brasileira de Normas Teonicas
ABS American Bureau of Shipping / ABS Rules
ACI American Conerete Institute / ACI Manual of Concrete Practice
ACS American Chemical Society
ADA American Dairy Association
AECMA Associaton Europeenne des Constructeurs de Material Aerospatial
AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association / AFBMA Std.
AFNOR French Standards Insitution
AGA American Gas Association / AGA Std. AGA Reports and Manuals
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association / AGMA Std., AGMA Reports
AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers / AHAM Std.
AIA American Institute of Architects / AIA Manuals. Masterspec.
AIA Aerospace Industries Association, Inc
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction / Manual of Steel Construction / Manual of Steel Consruction(M016)
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute / Steel Products Manuals
AMCA Air Movement & Contorol Association / AMCA Standards
AMS Society of Automotive Enineers
AMS Aerospace Materials Specs
ANS American Nuclear Society / ANS Std.
ANSI American National Standrads Institute / ANSI Std.
AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists / Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC
API American Petroleum Istitute / API Std. Bull, and Recommended Practices
ARSO African Regional organization for Standardization
AS Australian Standards
ASA American Standards Association
ASAE Smerican Society of Agricultural Engineers / ASAE Std. Eng' Practices
ASC Adhesive and Sealant Council
ASCE American Society of civil Engineers / ASCE Manual & Report
American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning engineers / ASHRAE Hanbook
ASLE American Society of Lubricant Engineers
ASM American Society for Metals / Metals handbook
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers / ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
ASMO Arab Organization forStandardizaion and Metrology
ASSE American society for Nondestructive testing / Implementing Recommended Practice
ASTM ASTM International
AWPB American Wood Preservers Bureau
AWS American Welding Society . AWS Std., WHB
AWWA American Water Work Association / AWWA Std. Manual., H/B
BDS Comite Superieur Normalizaion de la Republique Populaire de Bulgarie - INRA
BHMA Builders hardware Manufacturers Association
BIA Binding Industries of america
BSI British Standards Institution / BS Std.
BV Bureau Veritas / Rules and Regulations for the construction and classification of Steel Vessel
CAGI Compressed Air and Gas Institute
CEE European Committee for Standardization
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
CEOC Collogue European des Organisations de controole
CFR Code of Federal Regulations / USA Title NO.1 ~ No. 50
CGA Compressed Gas Association / Handbook of Compressed Gases
CGPM General Conference of Weights and Measures
CGSB Canadian General Standards Boards
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
CNS national Bureau of Standards for Republic of China (Taiwan)
COPANT Pan America Standards Commission - Brazil, Panama, Mexico, dominican Republic, Bolivia, Centralamerica (guaemala), Columbia, Chile, Equador, Paraguay, Aregntina, Pery, Trinidad, Tobago, and Uruguay
CPSC Consumer Products safety Commission / USA
CRSI Concrete Reinforcin Steel Institute / CRSI Handbook
CS Chinese Standareds - Peoples Republic of China
CSA Canadian Standards Association / CSA Std.
CSN Cechosolvakian Office for Standards and Measurements / Urad pro Vynalezy a Normalisaci
CTI Cooling Tower Institute / CTI Code Tower Std.
DIN Deutsches Institute for Normung / DIN Std.
DGN Direccion General de Normas
DGQ Portuguese Instittute for Quality / General Directorate of Quality
DNV Det Norske Veritas / DNV Rule
DOD United States Department of Depenses Specs
DS Dansk Standards
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EIA Electronic industries Association / USA,ANSI/EIA 232E
EIAJ Standards of Electronic Industries Association of Japan
EJMA Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association / EJMA Std.
EN European Standards
EOQC European Organization for Quality Control
EPA Environment Protection Agency / USA, in CFR Title NO.40
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute / EPRI Report.
ETRTO European Tire and Rim Technical Organization / ETRTO Standard Manual
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
EURONORM European Coal and Steel Community
FCC Federal Communications Commission / USA, in CFR Title No.47
FDA Food and Drug Admin. / FDA Regulations, USA, in CFR Title No. 21, Pard 1~1299
FID International Federation for Docunentation
FMS Factory Mutual System / Approval Gide
FMVSS Natl. Highway Traffic safety Admin. / USA, in CFR Title No.49 Part 571
FS General Services Administration / Fed=Spec, Std.
GB Guojio Biaozhun / China
GL Germanisher Lloyd / Rules for Classification and Construction of Seagoing Ship
GOST State Standards of Soviet
HEI Heat Exchange Institute / USA, Standards for Steam Surface Condecsers etc.
HI Hydraulic Institue / HI Std for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocation Pumps
HTI Hand tools Institute
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
ICAO International Civil Aviation Oragnization
ICBO Intl. Conference of Building Officials / UBC, UMC, UPC
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association
IDF International Dairy Federation
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IECEE IEC System for Conformity Testing to Standards for Safety of Eletrical Equipment
IEE Institution of electrical Engineers / U.K.
IEEE Institute of Electical and Electronics Engineers / IEEE Std.
IES Illuminating Engineering society / IES Lighting H/B:2 Bol. Recomm, Practice.
IFAN International Federationg for the Application of Standards
IFI Industrial Fasteners Institute / Fasteners Std., Metric Fasteners Std.
IIAR International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration
IMO International Maritime Organization
INLITECNOR Instituto de Norman Colmbianas
IOCU International Organizationof consumers Unions
IP The Institute of Petroleum / IP Standards Methods for Analysis and Testing of Petroleum and Related Products
IPC The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits / ANSI/IPC Cm Guidelines for Pringed Voard Component Mounting IPC-Tm-650 Test Methods Manual
IRAM Istituto Argentino de Racionalizacion de Materials
IRANOR National Institute of Rationalizaion and Normalizaion for Sapin
IS Indian Standard Institution - isi
ISA Instrument Society of America
ISO International Organization for Standardizaion
JAS Japaness Agricultures Standards
JASO Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
JCS Japanese Cable Makers' Association
JEC Japanese Electrotechnical committee
JEM Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association
JGMA Japan Gear Manufacturers Association
JIS Japan Industrial Standards
JPI Japan Petroleum Institute
JWWA Japan Water Works Association
KS Korean Industrial Standards
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping / The Rules and Regulations for the Classificantion of Ships
MIL Military Specifications and Standards / USA, Dept. of Defense, MIL-Index, H/B-217E,-STD-883C
MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Fittings Industry
NAS Aerospace Industries Association
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NBBI The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
NBN Normas Belges / Institute Belge de Normalisation
NBS United States National Bureau of Standards
NEC National Electric Code / ANSI CI
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Assiociation
NEN Nederlandse Norm / Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut - NNI
NF Norme Francise
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NNI Negherlands Normalization Institute
NORVEN Comision Venezolana de Normas Industrias
NORCUBA Departamento de Normas Tecnicas
NP Norma Portugguesa
NPCA National Paints and Coating Association
NSF National Sanitation Foundation
NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturer's Association
NZS New Zealand Standards
OCMA Oil Company materials Association
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OIML International Organization for Legal metrology
ONORM(ON) Osterreichische Normungsinstitut / Austrian Standards Institute - ONA
ORGALIME Organization for Liaison between the European Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Industries
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PNS Philippine National Standard
RAL Ausschuss fur Lieferbedingungen und Gutesicherung / RAL Color File
REA Rural Electrification Admin / REA Spec
RMA Rubber Manufacturers Associoation
RTCA Rubber Manufacturers AssocioationRadio Technical Commission for Aeronautics / RTCA-Do-160C Environmental Condition and Test procedures Airborne Equipment
RWMA Resistance Welder Manufacturers; Association
SAA Standards Association of Australia
SABS South African Bureau of Standards
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers / SAE H/B, AMS Std.
SEMKO Svenska Elecktriska Materielkontroll-Anstaltem
SII Standards Institute of Israel
SIS Svensk Standard Sweden
SFS Finnish Standards Association
SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors'National Association
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
SNV Schweitzerisch Normen- Vereinigung
SPI The Society of the Plastics Industry, inc.
SS Singapore Standards
SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council / Steel Structures Painting Manual
STI Steel Tank Institute
TAPPI Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry
TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers' Association / Std. of TEMA
TIS Thai Industrial Standards
TSE Turkish Standards Institute
TUV Technischer Uberwachungs Verein e, V. /German
UBPVLS Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society
UIC Intl. Union of Railways
UL Underwriters Laboratories-USA / UL Standards
UNCO Instituto de Norman Colombianas
UNI Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
UNICE Union of the Industial Federations of the EEc Countires
UNS Unifeied Numbering System
USCG United States Coast Guard
UTE Union Techenique de I Electircite / UTE Publication List
VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker
VDEh Berein Deusscher Eisenhuttenleute
VDI Vere Deutscher Ingenieur
WRS Welding Research Council
WES Welding Engineering Standard

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Useful Tools:

Stainless Steel Weight Calculator
Metals Weight Calculator
Nickel Alloy Weight Calculator
Copper Brass Alloy Weight Calculator
Copper Brass Alloy Sheet Plate Weight Calculator
Sheet Plate Weight Calculator
Hardness Conversion Calculator
Hardness Conversion Chart
Rockwell Brinell Vickers Shore Hardness Conversion Chart
Conversion Calculator
Length Weight Temperature Volume Pressure Calculater
Pipe Working Pressure Calculator
Pressure Conversion Converter
Round Bar Size Calculator
Gauge Sizes
Sheet Metal Gauge
Pipe Schedule
Nominal Pipe Size
ANSI Pipe Chart
Inch to mm Chart
Stainless Steel Pipe Sizes
Stainless Steel Tubing Sizes Chart
Stainless Steel L H Grade
Stainless Steel Density
Conversion of Stainless Steel
Nickel Alloy Grades Comparison Material Grade Chart Carbon Steel
Structural Steel Comparison Chart

Main Products:

BA Tube | AP Tube
Condenser Tubes Tubing
Stainless Steel Reheater Tube Superheater Tubes
Stainless Steel U bend Tube
Nickel Alloy U bend Tubes
Copper Alloy U Bend Tubes
Heat Exchanger Tube
Super Duplex Pipe
Nickel Alloy Tube
Brass Alloy Tubing
Copper Nickel Alloys Tubes
Stainless Steel Hollow Tube
Stainless Steel Oval Tubing
Stainless Steel Square Tubing
Stainless Steel Rectangular Tubing
Stainless Steel Capillary Tube
Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe
Seamless Stainless Steel Tubing
Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing
Stainless Steel Twisted Tube
Polishing Stainless Steel Tubing
Stainless Steel Aircraft Tube
Stainless Steel Hydraulic Tubing
Stainless Steel Instrumentation Tubing
Stainless Steel Angle Iron Bar
Stainless Steel Mechanical Tube
Bright Annealing Stainless Tube
Heat resistant Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel Welded Pipe
Extruded Serrated Finned Tubes Integral Finned Tubes / Extruded Aluminum Finned Tubes
Brass Alloys Copper Nickel Alloy Integral Low Finned Tubes
HFW High Frequency Welded Helical Spiral Serrated Finned Tubes
Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel
Corrosion Resistance Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel Tubing Pipe

304 Stainless Steel Pipe
304L Stainless Steel Pipe
304H Stainless Steel Pipe
304/304L Stainless Steel Tubing
309S Stainless Steel Pipe
310S Stainless Steel Pipe
316L Stainless Steel Tubing
316Ti Stainless Steel Tube
317L Stainless Steel Pipe
321 321H Stainless Steel
347 347H Stainless Steel
904L N08094 Seamless Tubes
17-4 PH 630 UNS S17400 Stainless Steel
253MA S30815 Stainless Steel Tube
S31254 254 SMO Pipe
S31803 Stainless Steel
2205 Duplex Pipe Tubing
S32101 Stainless Steel
S32304 Stainless Steel
2507 Super Duplex Pipe
S32750 Super Duplex Pipe
S32760 Super Duplex Steel
1.4462 Stainless Steel Pipe
ASTM A213 | ASTM A269
ASTM A312 | ASTM A511
ASTM A789 | ASTM A790
ASTM B161 / ASME SB 161 | ASTM B111
EN 10216-5
ASTM A789 ASME SA 789 S31803 S32205 S32101 S32750 S32760 S32304 S31500 S31260 Seamless Tubes
EN 10216-5 1.4462 1.4362 1.4162 1.4410 1.4501 Seamless Tubes
Nickel Alloy Tubing:

UNS N08020 Alloy 20 Tubing
UNS N02200 Alloy 200 Tube
UNS N02201 Alloy 201 Pipe
UNS N04400 Monel 400 Tubing
N06600 Inconel 600 Tube
N06601 Inconel 601 Tubing
N06625 Inconel 625 Tubes
N08800 Incoloy 800 Tube
N08810 Incoloy 800H Tube
N08811 Incoloy 800HT Tubing
UNS N08825 Incoloy 825 Pipe
ASTM B622 N10276 C276 Tubing
ASTM B622 N06022 Hastelloy C-22 Alloy Tubes
C28000 Brass Seamless Tubes C44300 Brass Seamless Tubes
C68700 Brass Seamless Tubes
C70600 Copper Nickel Tubes
C71500 Copper Nickel Tubes
DIN 2391 Seamless Precision Steel Tubes
EN 10305-1 E215 E235 E355 Seamless Precision Steel Tube Tubing Tubes
DIN 2393 St28 St34.2 St37.2 St44.2 St52.3 Welded Precision Steel Tubes
EN 10305-2 E195 E235 E355 Welded Cold Drawn Precision Steel Tube