Care este performanța țevii sudate din oțel inoxidabil la temperaturi scăzute?
What is the performance of stainless steel welded pipe at low temperature?
The resistance, linear expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, mass melting and magnetism of stainless steel welded pipe will change greatly at low temperature. Electrical resistance and linear expansion coefficient decrease at low temperatures; thermal conductivity and mass heat capacity decrease sharply at low temperatures;
Young’s modulus (longitudinal elastic modulus) increases at the same time as the temperature drops. Because austenitic stainless steel pipes have a low temperature (Subzreo temperature) Ms point (martensite transformation start temperature or martensite formation temperature), martensite can be formed when kept below the Ms point. The formation of martensite at low temperature makes 304 (18Cr-8Ni), the representative steel of oțel inoxidabil austenitic, non-magnetic at room temperature, but becomes magnetic at low temperature.
In a low temperature environment, the deformation energy is small. In a low temperature environment, the phenomenon that elongation and reduction of area decrease is called low temperature embrittlement. Mostly produced on the body-centered cubic structure of the ferrite series.