S31803 vs S32205 Difference between S31803 and S32205?
What is S31803 vs S32205? S31803 almost the same with S32205 stainless steel. Mostly we use S32205 instead of S31803 in China. Below is some difference between S31803 and S32205 duplex steel according to ASTM A789.
S32205 has slightly higher minimum requirements for Cr, Mo and N, but is still within the chemical composition range of S31803. S32205 was developed to improve the potential loss of corrosion resistance and toughness in the heat affected zone of certain S31803 welds. Therefore, it is recommended that users specify the S32205 Duplex Tubes. If the use of S31803 is required, the user should require that the chemical composition of S31803 grades also meet the composition requirements of S32205 grades in order to maintain consistent performance.
- S31803 vs S32205 Chemical Composition
- S31803 vs S32205 Mechanical Properties
- S31803 vs S32205 Physical Properties
- S32205 vs S31803 Heat Treatment
- S32205 vs S31803 Corrosion Resistance
- S32205 vs S31803 Related Links
S31803 vs S32205 Chemical Composition
ASTM A789 ASTM A790 S32205 2205 Duplex Tubing Composition %:
C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cr | Mo | Ni | N | Cu |
max. 0,03 | max. 1,00 | max. 2,00 | max. 0,030 | max. 0,020 | 22,00 – 23,00 | 3,0 – 3,5 | 4,5 – 6,50 | 0,14- 0,20 | – |
ASTM A789 ASTM A790 S31803 Stainless Steel Tubing Composition %:
C | Si | Mn | P | S | Cr | Mo | Ni | N | Cu |
max. 0,03 | max. 1,00 | max. 2,00 | max. 0,030 | max. 0,020 | 21,00 – 23,00 | 2,5 – 3,5 | 4,50 – 6,50 | 0,08-0,20 | – |
S31803 vs S32205 Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength | Yield Strength | ||||||||
Alloy | UNS | Spec. | MPa | ksi | MPa | ksi | Elongation in 2 in. (min.) % | Grain Size Req. | Max. Hardness |
Duplex 2205 | S32205 | A789, A790 | 655 | 95 | 485 | 70 | 25 | — | 290HBW, 30* HRC |
Duplex S31803 | S31803 | A789, A790 | 620 | 90 | 450 | 65 | 25 | — | 290HBW, 30* HRC |
S31803 vs S32205 Physical Properties
Alloy | UNS | Spec. | Density kg/dm³ | Modulus of Elasticity (x106 psi) | Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (IN./IN./°F x 10-6) | Thermal Conductivity (BTU-in/ ft2-h-°F) |
Duplex 2205 | S32205 | A789, A790 | 7.8 | 27.5 | 7.6 | 180 |
Duplex S31803 | S31803 | A789, A790 | 7.8 | 27.5 | 7.6 | 180 |
S32205 vs S31803 Heat Treatment
UNS Designation | Temperature | Quenching |
S31803 | 1870-2010 °F [1020-1100°C] | Rapid cooling in air or water |
S32205 | 1870-2010 °F [1020-1100°C] | Rapid cooling in air or water |
S32205 vs S31803 Corrosion Resistance
Both S32205 and S31803 have stress corrosion resistance properties in addition to high strength and excellent impact toughness. Provides pitting and crevice corrosion resistance superior to 316L or 317L austenitic stainless steel in almost all corrosive media. It also has high corrosion and erosion fatigue properties as well as lower thermal expansion and higher thermal conductivity than austenitic.

S31803 vs S32205 related link
General Properties
Chemical Composition
Resistance to Corrosion
Physical Properties
Mechanical Properties
Difference Between Duplex Steel S31803/S32205 and 316L
ASTM A789 ASME SA 789 S31803 S32205 S32101 S32750 S32760 S32304 S31500 S31260 Seamless Tubes
ASTM A790 ASME SA790 S31803 S32205 S32101 S32750 S32760 S32304 S31500 S31260 Seamless Pipe
EN 10216-5 1.4462 1.4362 1.4162 1.4410 1.4501 Seamless Tubes
1. Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe
2. Duplex Stainless Steel
3. Super-Duplex Stainless Steel
4. Principle of Duplex Stainless Steel
5. How the Austenite Ferrite Balance Achieved
6. Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steel
7. Stress Corrosion Cracking SCC of Duplex Stainless Steel
8. Barrier to Using Duplex Stainless Steel
9. Duplex Stainless Steel Grades Comparison Table
10. S32101 | S32205/S31803 | S32304 | S32750 | S32760
11. ASTM A789/A789M
12. ASTM A 790/A 790M
13. Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe
14. Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steel Pipe
15. Super-Duplex Stainless Steels and their characteristics
16. 2507 S32750 Duplex Steel Pipe
17. S31803 Stainless Steel Pipe
18. S32304(1.4362) Duplex Steel
19. S32205 Stainless Steel Pipe
20. 1.4462 Stainless Steel Pipe
21. Use of stainless steel under high temperature condition refer table
22. ASTM A789 S31803 Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe
23. ASTM A789 S32205 Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe
24. Duplex Stainless Steel Pipe Specification