Incoloy 901 UNS N09901 Paduan Tabung Seamless


Incoloy 901 UNS N09901 Alloy A nickel-iron-chromium alloy containing titanium dan aluminium for precipitation hardening and molybdenum for solid-solution strengthening. The alloy has high kekuatan luluh and creep resistance at temperatures to about 1110°F (600°C). A subtantial iron content enables the alloy to combine high strength with good forging characteristics. Used in gas turbines for discs and shafts. Standar products form is round.

Incoloy 901 Ketahanan Korosi

Alloy 901 has good ketahanan korosi to the atmospheres normally found in jet engine operations. It has slightly lower scaling resistance than such alloy as Types 309 dan 310 baja tahan karat.

Incoloy 901 Hot Working

Alloy 901 is forged between 2050°F (1121°C) and 1850°F (1010°C), metal suhu. Light hot work may be continued down to 1600°F (871°C) but not below. Metal temperature should not exceed 2050°F (1121°C) during rapid working. Billets should be charged into a hot furnace and heated rapidly through the pengerasan presipitasi range.

Incoloy 901 Weldability

Alloy 901 can be dilas by the inert-gas-arc method. It is difficult to weld. All welding should be done in the solution treated condition. Cold worked parts should be re-solution treated before welding. A re-solution treatment is recommended after welding before stabilizing and aging.

Incoloy 901 Heat Treatment

Solution Treatment
1975/2025°F (1080/1107°C), hold 2 hours at heat, and water quench.
Stabiliztion Treatment
1400/1475°F (760/802°C), hold 2 to 4 hrs, and air cool.
Precipitation Hardening Treatment
1300/1375°F (704/746°C), hold for 24 hours, and air cool.

Machinability of Incoloy™ 901

  • Use high-speed steel tools and cutting fluid
  • Cut at 180 sfpm
  • Use cobalt high-speed cutting tools with heavy feeds and slow speeds
  • Grind high speed steel roughing tools to 8° side and back rake, 4-6° side clearance, 6-8° end clearance, 15-25° side cutting-edge angle, 1/32” nose radius
  • 15-35 sfpm surface cutting speeds with 1/16-1/32” deep cuts and 0.010-0.015 in./rev. feed
  • Finishing cuts to 35 sfpm; clorinated and sulfurized cutting oils
  • Cemented carbide  tools
    • 30 to 60 sfpm
    • 0° to 5° back rake
    • 5° side rake
    • Chemical-active water soluble lubricants or plain soluble oil and water or lubricants

Spesifikasi Paduan Incoloy:

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB163 untuk Kondensor Nikel dan Paduan Nikel Seamless dan Tabung Penukar Panas

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB165 untuk Paduan Nikel-Tembaga (UNS N04400) * Pipa dan Tabung Seamless

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB167 untuk Paduan Nikel-Kromium-Besi, Paduan Nikel-Kromium-Kobalt-Molibdenum (UNS N06617), dan Paduan Nikel-Besi-Kromium-Tungsten (UNS N06674) Pipa dan Tabung Seamless

ASME SB407 Spesifikasi Standar untuk Pipa dan Tabung Seamless Paduan Nikel-Besi-Kromium

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB423 untuk Paduan Nikel-Besi-Kromium-Molibdenum-Tembaga (UNS N08825, N08221, dan N06845) Pipa dan Tabung Seamless

ASME SB444 Spesifikasi Standar untuk Paduan Nikel-Kromium-Molibdenum-Kolumbium (UNS N06625 dan UNS N06852) dan Paduan Nikel-Kromium-Molibdenum-Silikon (UNS N06219) Pipa dan Tabung

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB622 untuk Pipa dan Tabung Paduan Nikel dan Nikel-Kobalt Seamless

ASME SB668 UNS N08028 Pipa dan Tabung Seamless

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB690 untuk Paduan Besi-Nikel-Kromium-Molibdenum (UNS N08366 dan UNS N08367) Pipa dan Tabung Seamless

Spesifikasi Standar ASME SB729 untuk pipa dan tabung paduan nikel UNS N08020, UNS N08026, dan UNS N08024 tanpa sambungan

Incoloy 901 Chemical composition:

Paduan%NiCuAl FeTiCoMnSCSiPCrMoB
Incoloy 901Min.40.0  2.35
Incoloy 901Max.45.00.500.35Keseimbangan3.

Incoloy 901 Sifat fisik

Kepadatan8.14 kg/dm³
Titik Leleh1280-1345°C

Incoloy 901 minimum sifat mekanik in the room temperature:

KelasKekuatan tarik
Rm N/mm2
Kekuatan luluh
RP 0.2N/mm2
A5 %
Incoloy 901103468912
Incoloy 901 UNS N09901 Paduan Tabung Seamless
Incoloy 901 UNS N09901 Paduan Tabung Seamless
Pengujian Pipa Baja Tahan Karat-PMI

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