EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless Steel


The table shown is based on the reference data presented in EN 10088-1. Only a sample of the information available is shown. This is intended to show the scope of information available through representative figures for the most commonly used stainless steel tube types. A separate table indicates some of the grades that have been grouped together.Sifat Fisik Table

Steel Types (AISI)KepadatanModulusPerluasanKonduktivitasPanas SpesifikResistivitas
Ferritic stainless steels
Martensitik dan precipitation hardening stainless steels
Austenitik baja tahan karat
Baja tahan karat dupleks

Some EN grades covered by the steel types

AISIEN Grades Covered
4101.4006 (410), 1.4005 (416), 1.4021 (420)
4401.4112 (440B), 1.4122, 1.4125 (440C)
6301.4542 (17/4 PH)
3041.4301(304), 1.4305 (303), 1.4306 (304L), 1.4307 (304L), 1.4541 (321), 1.4550 (347)
3161.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316L)
‘2205’1.4462 (2205)
‘6%Mo’1.4547 (254SMO)

Units for the sifat fisik

The units are kg/m3 and are assumed to be for ambient temperature only.

This is the ‘elastic’ or ‘Young’s’ modulus. Sometimes expressed as ‘E’. Values at ‘ambient’ 20C and 400C only are shown. The units are kN/mm2

EN 10088-1 has values in 100-degree steps up to 300, 400 or 500。C, depending on the steel ‘family’ involved.

The thermal expansion figures shown are an average between 20。C and 10C only. BS EN 10088-1 has values shown as averages between 20 and 100, 200,300,400 and 500 C, depending on the steel ‘family’ involved.
The units are ‘ 10-6 x K-1 ‘. This represents the increase (or decrease) in length that a 1 metre length of material will expand (or contract) if the temperature is changed by 1 degree Kelvin (which can be taken as 1 degree Centigrade for practical purposes).
So a value of ’10’ indicates that a 1 metre length of steel expands by 0.000010 metres (0.010mm) if the temperature rises from 20 to 21 C.

The thermal conductivity values are for 20C only. The units are W/m.K.
This represents the amount of heat, in watts, that is conducted by the material, where there is a temperature difference of 1-degree Kelvin. (This represents a one-metre cube of material, with a 1-degree temperature difference on opposite faces)

‘Specific Heat’
This is shown in BS EN 10088-1 as ‘Specific thermal capacity’ at 20C. The units are J/kg.K ie ‘Joules per kilogram x degrees K’

The units of ‘electrical resistivity’ are ‘ohm.mm2/m’ and are shown at 20C, as shown in BS EN 10088-1. These units are the same as ‘micro-ohm.m’.

pdfEN 10088-1 Stainless steels – Part 1: List of Stainless Steels

Efek Suhu pada Kekuatan Logam
Polishing Polished Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe Tube
Ulasan Kekasaran Permukaan Tabung Baja Tahan Karat
Tabung Anil / Anil Cerah Stainless Steel
Perbandingan Standar Kekasaran Permukaan Cina AS
Grafik Konversi Kekasaran Permukaan Tabung Baja Tahan Karat
British and American standards for tolerances, surface finish and testing of stainless steels
Membersihkan Tabung Baja Tahan Karat
Tabung Baja Tahan Karat Tahan Korosi
Coroosion Resistane of Stainless Steel Tubes
Tabung Baja Tahan Karat Suhu Tinggi
Tabung Baja Tahan Karat Tahan Panas
High Temperature-Tubes and Pipes Standard

EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10293:2005. Pengecoran Baja untuk Penggunaan Teknik Umum
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10277-1: 2008 Produk Baja Cerah Kondisi pengiriman teknis. Umum
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10213: 2008 Pengecoran Baja untuk keperluan tekanan
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10149-1: 1996: Spesifikasi untuk produk canai panas yang terbuat dari baja berkekuatan luluh tinggi untuk pembentukan dingin. Kondisi pengiriman umum
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10132-1: 2000 Strip baja sempit canai dingin untuk perlakuan panas - Kondisi pengiriman teknis (TDC) - Umum
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10130:2006 Produk baja karbon rendah canai dingin untuk pembentukan dingin - Kondisi pengiriman teknis
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelBaja Tahan Karat EN 10088
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10087 Baja Pemotongan Bebas- Ketentuan Pengiriman Teknis untuk produk setengah jadi batang dan batang canai panas
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10083-1: 2006 Baja yang Dipadamkan dan Ditempa - Ketentuan Pengiriman Teknis untuk Baja Khusus
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10025-1:2004 - Produk canai panas baja struktural. Kondisi pengiriman teknis umum
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10028-1:2000 - Produk datar yang terbuat dari Baja untuk Keperluan Tekanan: Persyaratan Umum
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10027 Sistem penunjukan untuk baja. Nama baja, simbol utama, nomor baja
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10079:1992- Definisi produk baja
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelKekuatan Baja Standar Inggris
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10088-3 Komposisi Kimia Baja Tahan Karat
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10088-1 Sifat fisik suhu tinggi dari baja tahan karat
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10217-5 / A1 Tabung baja yang dilas untuk keperluan tekanan
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10217-7 Sifat mekanis suhu sekitar
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10217-7 Komposisi Kimiawi Pipa Baja Tahan Karat
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10088-1 Sifat fisik suhu tinggi dari baja tahan karat
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10088-1 Sifat fisik suhu lingkungan dari baja tahan karat
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10216-5 Sifat mekanis suhu sekitar
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10216-5 Komposisi kimiawi baja tahan karat
EN 10088-1 Physical Properties of Stainless SteelEN 10253-3 dan 10253-4 Sifat mekanis suhu sekitar

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