Pilih metode pengujian kekerasan yang tepat untuk diameter dalam yang berbeda
Stainless steel pipe and Stainless Steel Tube is a commonly used material, and it is widely used in equipment and mechanical parts that require good overall performance (corrosion resistance and formability). In order to maintain the inherent corrosion resistance of stainless steel, steel must contain more than 18% chromium and more than 8% nickel. Stainless steel seamless pipes are produced in accordance with ASTM A312 and Stainless Steel Tubes are produced according to ASTM A213 / ASME SA213
When the inner diameter of the stainless steel pipe is greater than 26mm, the hardness of the inner wall of the pipe can be tested with a Rockwell or surface Rockwell hardness tester.
The solution annealed stainless steel pipe with the inner diameter of the stainless steel tube above 6.0mm and the wall thickness below 13mm can use the W-B75 Webster hardness tester, which is very fast and easy to test, and is suitable for fast and non-destructive qualification inspection of stainless steel tubes. .
For stainless steel pipes with an inner diameter greater than 30mm and a wall thickness greater than 1.2mm, the Rockwell hardness tester is used to test the hardness of HRB and HRC.
Untuk pipa baja tahan karat dengan diameter dalam lebih besar dari 30mm dan ketebalan dinding kurang dari 1.2mm, penguji kekerasan Rockwell permukaan digunakan untuk menguji kekerasan HRT atau HRN.
For stainless steel pipes with an inner diameter of less than 30mm and greater than 4.8mm, use a special Rockwell hardness tester for pipes to test the hardness of HR15T.
Grafik Kekerasan Baja Tahan Karat
Kalkulator Konversi Kekerasan ASTM E140
Grafik Konversi Kekerasan - Brinell|HB|Vickers|HV|Rockwell|HRB|HRC|UTS
Tabel Perbandingan Kekerasan pada Berbagai Skala
Hubungan Kekerasan dengan Sifat Mekanis Lainnya Kekuatan Tarik Kekuatan Luluh
Perbedaan Ketangguhan dan Kekerasan
Konversi Kekerasan Brinell Rockwell
Konversi Kekerasan Baja Tuang Baja Karbon
Grafik Konversi Kekerasan Rockwell Superficial Brinell Vickers Shore
Timbangan yang Lebih Keras Setara
Timbangan yang Lebih Lembut Setara
Gambar Membandingkan Skala Kekerasan
Tabel Komponen yang Menunjukkan Nilai Kekerasan Permukaan yang Relevan
Beban Tekan Pemasangan O-Ring vs Skala Kekerasan Shore A
Mendeteksi Kekerasan Baja Tahan Karat
Grafik Konversi Kekerasan Brinell dan Rockwell